Climate Change Topics

Wide open, natural grass field for playing and enjoying a common space in N. Fields Circle in Lake Hogan Farms within the town of Carrboro, North Carolina. (July 2020)
Wide open, natural grass field for playing and enjoying a common space in N. Fields Circle in Lake Hogan Farms within the town of Carrboro, North Carolina. (Photo by Tilly Pick, July 2020).

What you will find on this page


We want to make it easy for you to understand climate change topics as a homeowner of Lake Hogan Farms by pulling together clear, simple, robust, and practical information that you can use in whichever way it makes sense based on where you’re at in life, your priorities, and your constraints.

To create this resource, we took subjects like composting, solar energy, pesticides etc. and used our experience and knowledge to gather up current information and translate those insights into practical guidance and considerations.

Each of the topics explains what it is, touches on its relevance, has links to related resources like this cool video about turning classic cars electric or this one about vermicomposting by NC State Extension, and suggests what you can do.

Climate change topics

We hope you will think of these pages as the best researched climate change topics for what you want to do with your home, garden, and your family here in Lake Hogan Farms. Let us know what you think. We want this to be helpful.

Search this website

When we summarized each topic, we added what is referred to as “tags” to make our website user friendly and searchable so you can easily get to the right content. Go ahead click on the search field in the upper right corner and type in your keywords. That should get you on your way.

Questions and comments

If you don’t see a climate change topic that should be included or if you have ideas for making a topic better, let us know using our contact form. Please just keep in mind that we are a small group of volunteers.